• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I'm a gravy seal now bitches


Since when has midget been a slur?! · 5:57am February 17th

I got shit on for saying princess peach has a midget fetish. WTF if its so bad why have i never heard this until now?!

Report RaritySimper44 · 87 views ·

Useless info about me you'll never care about

My gender: Please refer to rule 30 of the internet.
My zodiac sign: Aquarius. Or Capricorn I don't even know 100 percent to be perfectly honest.
Favorite movie genre: Horror.
My favorite pony: Big Macintosh.
My second favorite pony: Starlight Glimmer is a close second, ironic since I hated her at first. Now she's practically my waifu.
Favorite music genres: Rock, Country.
Workout routine: 50-300 push-ups daily sometimes an ab roller. If I'm not feeling too lazy.
Job: Stock clerk.
Mode of transportation: Cruiser Bike.
Favorite animal: cat. Dogs are lovely too though.
Favorite wild animal: The wolf.
Favorite mythical animal: Dragon.
My bucket list: Start a family, own a house, get a car, publish a book officially
Ego: IT'S OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!
Work ethic: needs work.
1 weird thing I do when I'm alone: I dance.
Favorite television show: Rick and Morty. Ironic isn't it?
age: 90's baby.

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Comments ( 106 )
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Hey sorry I haven't replied. I work weeks. And no I'm not a new account (that I know of). If I made an account before, it long ago and has been forgotten.

I know, some random nobody came onto my profile to insult me for no reason. Literally never talked to him before. i checked out his profile, the guy was panhandling ppl for money in a blog he made lmao. Pathetic.

Some people are stalking your profile just to dislike comments... just sad.

Thanks for the fave.

Thanks for adding A Midnight Stroll to your favorites!

Wtf who even are you?

Comment posted by Buck Swisher deleted Oct 22nd, 2021
Comment posted by Buck Swisher deleted Oct 22nd, 2021

Thanks a lot for the follow!

Yeah, uh, I actually just became suspicious of that. I thought it was directed towards me at first, saying that there would be more categories in the group tomorrow. Lol.

They don't say anything about it. Thanks for the clarification!

Sorry sir, were all out of those right now. We should have more tomorrow.

Oh shit, I just realized I replied to the wrong person. Sorry.

I think its allowed. read the rules, if it doesn't say you can't then have at it.

Hi. It's me again, lol. Sorry if you feel like I'm bothering you.

I've got another question related to the Humans Cuddling Cute Ponies group. Is self-promotion allowed there?


Awesome! You have a great day too!

  • Viewing 87 - 106 of 106
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Since when has midget been a slur?! · 5:57am February 17th

I got shit on for saying princess peach has a midget fetish. WTF if its so bad why have i never heard this until now?!

Report RaritySimper44 · 87 views ·

Useless info about me you'll never care about

Gender: refer to rule 30.
Zodiac sign: Aquarius.
Age: 90's baby.
Work ethic: needs work.
Work-out routine: 50-300 pushups daily.