• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Player 4

Writing days are probably over...

Blog Posts

  • 16 weeks
    Throwback to my most recent story

    As of today, the last time I published a fanfic was exactly two years ago. It's a sad anniversary for sure, but I figured I would bring up this story because I would imagine many of you on here don't know about it. It was published on DeviantArt rather than Fimfiction, and I did say in a past blog post that I had joined DA, but I never directly linked this story back when it was made:

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    0 comments · 64 views
  • 28 weeks
    I haven’t left Fimfiction, but…

    Hi everyone, Player 4 here. If you didn’t expect to hear from me again here on Fimfiction, well, I don’t blame you. In my blog about retiring from writing stories (which is still my most recent blog post before this one, ugh), I did say that I would continue to be an active member through forum discussions and whatnot.

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    3 comments · 194 views
  • 95 weeks
    I didn't want to, but I think I've quit writing...

    Hey, everyone.

    I unfortunately have to make the announcement that, while it goes against my desires, I'm likely done writing stories on this site. :fluttercry: I don't have the spark in me to do it anymore. For a long time now, I've usually been going about my days without thinking about the activity, I rarely come up with new story ideas, and all of my attempts at writing were struggles that resulted in very little progress. That's why you don't see chapter updates from me anymore.

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    5 comments · 376 views
  • 125 weeks
    I'm on DeviantArt now!

    Hello followers, there is now another place where you can find creations from me! Just yesterday, I chose to become a member of the one and only DeviantArt. Link to my account: https://www.deviantart.com/player4yellow

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    2 comments · 210 views
  • 127 weeks
    Something Special

    Happy Hearts and Hooves Day and happy birthday to the collab story Something Sparkling! Yes, Captain_Cosmos and I did publish that story on February 14, 2021!

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    3 comments · 270 views


"One day you will look back on this and be glad you didn't give up."

All My Stories


Throwback to my most recent story · 10:49pm April 1st

As of today, the last time I published a fanfic was exactly two years ago. It's a sad anniversary for sure, but I figured I would bring up this story because I would imagine many of you on here don't know about it. It was published on DeviantArt rather than Fimfiction, and I did say in a past blog post that I had joined DA, but I never directly linked this story back when it was made:

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Report Player 4 · 64 views · #throwback

Stories That Deserve More Attention

Comments ( 4623 )
  • Viewing 4,619 - 4,623 of 4,623

You are welcome:twilightsmile:

Yes please!

Here’s mine:


I do! I can DM you my account code

Player 4,

Do you have a Discord account?

You're welcome! You did really well on that story!

  • Viewing 4,619 - 4,623 of 4,623
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