• Member Since 20th Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen January 25th


"In this life we are either kings or pawns, emperors or fools." - Napoleon Bonaparte

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  • 50 weeks
    Hey y’all

    Hey everyone. It’s sure been a long time hasnt it. I found some good friends and when we were hanging out to say it made me remember how this site got me through so many hard times and how this community never turned me away. I could never say how glad I am to have met some of the people I’ve met on here and I may be coming back.

    3 comments · 126 views
  • 155 weeks

    Hey guys, I'm here again. I didn't do anything bad like harm myself or anyone else. I found a couple of coping mechanisms and am back in a healthy mental state. I figured I would update you guys. I'm making a bit of a comeback, I cant say when but I will be releasing a few new chapters soon.

    4 comments · 237 views
  • 158 weeks
    I’m sorry I can’t do anything right

    Hey guys, it’s me. This is probably my last time on this website. I’ve started to realize the reason everything is going wrong is because I hate myself so much. I despise myself with the boiling rage and I hate how I never do anything right. I’m not going to kill myself or anything, I’m just done trying to pretend I don’t hate myself. Even worse I don’t even know why I do, I just always have and I can never find why. I’m sorry guys

    5 comments · 283 views
  • 167 weeks

    I’m taking a break. Me and my girlfriend broke up and it’s fucking with me more than I want to admit. I’m always a happy and cheerful guy but it’s getting harder and harder to fake a smile and force a laugh. I feel like all of my friends hate me and when I fall asleep I think about how no one really cares. I keep saying “I’ll bounce back” but I’m not so sure. I’m trying but it’s getting harder and harder. So that’s why I’m not posting as much. Thanks for being patient with me

    2 comments · 205 views
  • 170 weeks

    Looking for a new person to make ideas for my story’s with. I use rp to help make chapters for my stories. Dm me if you’re interested

    3 comments · 226 views

Second best pony


Hey y’all · 6:28am Aug 8th, 2023

Hey everyone. It’s sure been a long time hasnt it. I found some good friends and when we were hanging out to say it made me remember how this site got me through so many hard times and how this community never turned me away. I could never say how glad I am to have met some of the people I’ve met on here and I may be coming back.

Report Applejackisbest · 126 views ·
Comments ( 168 )
  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:

Thanks for the amazing story

Thanks for the favorite! :)

It was awesome like always man, I’m hoping to see a sequel eventually

  • Viewing 164 - 168 of 168
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