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I Made A Podfic Based Off Now It's Time To Say Goodbye Using 15.AI · 8:06pm Nov 20th, 2021

So, I decided to use a speech synthesis program named 15.ai to narrate Now It's Time To Say Goodbye. What helps is that the voices for all the MLP characters were accounted for. Essentially, it's a Dramatic Reading, but done by other characters instead of Youtubers.

If you wish to listen for yourself, you can do so here.

Report Psyga315 · 305 views · Story: Now It's Time To Say Goodbye · #Podfic

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Ok, if you have the inspiration to write it, please let me know.

Thanks for adding my story to the accusation fic collection.
I’m now a part of that great group.

Yes. Problem is that I have a lot of other projects and I don't have the inspiration to write it.

Hey Psyga315, it's has been a long time. Did you remember the Canterlot wedding story that based on your random fic idea we've talked about?.

Comment posted by ChazMLPFIM deleted Aug 27th, 2020
  • Viewing 50 - 54 of 54
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