• Member Since 9th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen May 27th, 2021

The Half Brony

I am half brony, half little child at heart. But who doesn't miss the show that we all know?

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Blog Posts

  • 203 weeks
    I am Happy

    I am happy and found a website!
    It’s basically the telephone game, switching from words to drawings and back. :) Hope you guys like it too!

    0 comments · 202 views
  • 204 weeks
    Funny Thing I Found!

    Eggheads. We all are, I guess.

    6 comments · 225 views
  • 220 weeks
    Hey, Everyone!

    How is everyone's day (and night?) :pinkiesmile: :yay: :nonexistantemojisoffun:

    3 comments · 254 views
  • 225 weeks
    What Should I Write, Others?

    Yeah. I’m just wondering. I’ll make it good.

    0 comments · 246 views
  • 225 weeks
    What Should I Write, Others?

    Yeah. I’m just wondering. I’ll make it good.

    1 comments · 220 views

I am Happy · 8:17pm Sep 1st, 2020

I am happy and found a website!
It’s basically the telephone game, switching from words to drawings and back. :) Hope you guys like it too!

Comments ( 101 )
  • Viewing 82 - 101 of 101
Comment posted by NorthProductions deleted Dec 14th, 2020

Thank you. Have a nice day.

I like your bio. Id say that you expressed it in a pretty creative way.

Yeah. Also, sorry. Wrong your.

Feel old yet? Also, read the pm title.

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!
P.S. I have no idea what that PM was all about, lol

one thing's for sure we aren't eggheads sure some of us are but not all of us

Yeah. Good thing I can log in with my email!

I understand that feeling, lel. I don't know my Wattpad password, 'cause I changed it and forgot to write it down.



Thank you! And I just forgot my pass, I’m still on.

miss you friend!

I shall do so. And ask My Sister Tia about that, too.

  • Viewing 82 - 101 of 101
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