• Member Since 4th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Oct 7th, 2020

Two Souls One Ling

Howdy. I’m Flower the Flowey-

Blog Posts

  • 208 weeks
    Ok. So. I’m moving.

    This entire thing has been dead for more than a month.

    I think it’s best if I just..start fresh.

    I might make a rendition of TSOL.

    Or something.

    But other than that, I can’t find much purpose here anymore.

    So. Uh. Yeah.

    Bye, I guess.

    6 comments · 157 views

Ok. So. I’m moving. · 4:44am Jul 29th, 2020

This entire thing has been dead for more than a month.

I think it’s best if I just..start fresh.

I might make a rendition of TSOL.

Or something.

But other than that, I can’t find much purpose here anymore.

So. Uh. Yeah.

Bye, I guess.

Report Two Souls One Ling · 157 views ·
Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

I hope you are doing ok.

It's not bad Twilight in pharynx had to just figure out, they got with each other

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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