• Member Since 22nd Sep, 2019
  • offline last seen July 12th


(Profile Pic made by AtomFliege) A Very inconsistant Schedule. Don't expect any order to my stories releases


Music for each of my original characters

Coming Soon...

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Blog Posts

  • 48 weeks
    Lucky You

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    0 comments · 109 views
  • 103 weeks

    Nothing much, but I just want to state that Beast of the Void is getting a bit of a rework, mainly cause I don't like where the story is heading. If you did like the old story, glad you did, but I did not.

    Also, those perceptive and also those who bother to look at my stories will see that some of my stories have gotten reworks, namely Dream your Dream, and No one knows what it's like, but those were mainly cause they were one-shots.

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    0 comments · 170 views
  • 133 weeks
    Happy New Year

    Happy New Year my dudes!

    I know I said I'd have something for you guys in the last blog post, but believe me, it is literally, like, 87% done. I believe I can get it done by the end of January, as long as I get the motivation to do that.

    Cheers to a somewhat better year, am I right? Happy 2021, and Happy 2022. Let's hope this isn't 2020 Pt. 3, Oh Hell no!

    Anyway, see you guys another time.

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  • 148 weeks
    2nd Anniversary

    Well, this year went by quickly. Honestly, I kinda hoped it would, but here we are.

    Right now, there won't be something released, but there are some huge stuff I'm working on.

    Unfortunately, unlike my last anniversary, I don't think I'll be able to keep going right after this, but do expect some updates every now and then.

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  • 149 weeks
    Anniversary 2.0

    She's too stubborn for her own good...

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    0 comments · 196 views


Guns or other weapons that my characters will use (Mainly Nuclear)
Will continue to update

Glock 47c

Tokarev TT-33

RPG 22

Comments ( 7 )
  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7

Thanks for adding Spike, the Floydian to your library!

Thanks for the fave.

honestly, I just like seeing people, or in this case ponies, get what's coming to them.

What do you like from the story?

Thanks for favoriting Spike's Turnabout

  • Viewing 1 - 7 of 7
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