• Member Since 28th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen Mar 25th, 2020


Beyouk beyooowalk bee-

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This kid on Wattpad... · 6:57pm Mar 20th, 2020

here is where they post their art n' stuff. The kid is a thief.

Report BlackieKat1248 · 284 views ·
Comments ( 110 )
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Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 181k words  ·  133  21 · 1.3k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:


I'll just leave this here and be on my way.
Finding Seph's main was my goal and I did. I can walk away now.

Comment posted by Sephocolys deleted September 6th

Huh, he followed me with a backup account and not his main... I'm not sure how I feel about that.

The account wasn't banned for constructive criticism. It's an alt account of user 366384 (currently using the name of (_MoonDust34.) When MoonDust34 was temporarily banned, the alt accounts they were using were perma-banned.

So this, Nocturnal Nemophilist, Ice_Star,* and DeathRay78 were all shut down because of what the user was doing over on account 366384.

If you head over to the main account, you'll see that the user is very much not banned, so they're still fully capable of giving constructive criticism should they so desire.

* Not to be confused with Ice Star with no underscore, which is a different person that they were impersonating.

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