• Member Since 8th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 9th, 2020


Original username Zoddtheimmortalone. I'm a fan of anime, but I enjoy the classics more. As for My Little Pony, I may not watch it as much, but I do like the show and I also love EG

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Hey all · 7:30am Feb 26th, 2020

Hey there! I know I’m not around on here an awful lot. Been busy getting some things in my life settling and if anyone is interested, got discord. Like to meet new people! Hope you all are going well!

Report Oldtakufanboy · 585 views ·
Comments ( 270 )
  • Viewing 266 - 270 of 270

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

Hope you are doing alright mate, it's been two years since you last online.

who knows how to find him on discord?

When is the next chapter for 'As Pretty As The Sea' coming out?

What is taking so long for your stories to be finished

  • Viewing 266 - 270 of 270
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