• Member Since 28th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2016


But a day shall arise. When the dark Daedra's lies, will be forever silenced. And Fair Equestira will be free of foul evils maw!


Relating the work. · 3:27am Mar 6th, 2016

Hello there everypony,
Recently it has come to my attention that some may not know exactly what some of my imagination creates based on what I have seen. Here is a thing to pretty well, try and give you all an idea of what I was thinking when I made the Hell scene from my book The Lost is Found

Report Drag0nb0rn196 · 399 views ·
Comments ( 71 )
  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71

These 15 pages....just wow.

I would show and give all my love to fluttershy, as she deserves nothing less than my full attention, heart, and soul.

2100721 Read The Lost is Found and you will get what I mean. I got a heard bro. Now on my level!

2100717 All of them? That shows that you won't stay true to fluttershy. . . And you call yourself honorable. . . For shame. . .

2100456 No sir. Mine. All of them Mine! :flutterrage:

  • Viewing 67 - 71 of 71
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