• Member Since 29th Apr, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


I'm also the guy who made baby ponies ride on gators.

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Upcoming chapter news (As of June 29, 2024) · 11:37pm June 29th

I’m still working on my next chapter. It’s a long one, so it might be a while before it’s released.

The chapter in question is another EG movie. You can probably guess which one.

Comments ( 49 )
  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49

Hey Red4567 have you heard there's a Danganronpa fan game called Cartoons in Danganronpa check it out if you have the time


Comment posted by Dragon Ghoul deleted Aug 1st, 2022

I already have some ideas for the next chapter.

  • Viewing 45 - 49 of 49
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