• Member Since 30th Mar, 2020
  • offline last seen Oct 14th, 2020

Izuku Midoriya


Blog Posts

  • 201 weeks
    A quick heads up

    My stupid fuckin phone broke the rest of the way and I'm using my father's phone to post this, I won't be on discord until I get a new one @Marchelightspark please if you will make everyone aware or someone else in my server please, also, I might be locked out of my email now so I may end up getting on discord through an alt account (fuck me running this sucks)

    0 comments · 299 views
  • 202 weeks
    I'm sorry for the politics but...

    Now, I'm sorry to come on here preaching about politics again, I'm not usually a political person, but I'm going to be honest, we need Trump in office, if Biden gets elected the riots, and the civil unrest will only get worse, there will be a civil war for our guns, and it will be a slaughter fest because I know for a fact that 99.9% of the military are pro-2nd amendment, and the majority of them are gun owners themselves, so they will be on the defensive fighting for our 2nd amendment rights,

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    6 comments · 298 views
  • 202 weeks
    On a political note

    Let's keep it 💯, if you're one of the "peaceful protesters" looting businesses and burning cars, and rioting, and you want to take away 2nd amendment rights from us law abiding citizens, unfriend me, unfollow me, lose my number, and don't talk to me, I'm sick of the violence, I'm sick of being called a racist and a white supremacist just for being white, I'm sick of all the bullshit, stand up for your rights, don't back down to these heathens, stay strong and stand up for your rights, and don't

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    14 comments · 258 views
  • 203 weeks
    I'm in too many weird ass Discord servers

    That's why I'm numb to things like this

    2 comments · 187 views
  • 203 weeks
    I took a selfie with my gun strapped over my shoulder

    Meanwhile my forehead looks like an airplane landing strip lmfao

    4 comments · 242 views

A quick heads up · 5:42pm Sep 13th, 2020

My stupid fuckin phone broke the rest of the way and I'm using my father's phone to post this, I won't be on discord until I get a new one @Marchelightspark please if you will make everyone aware or someone else in my server please, also, I might be locked out of my email now so I may end up getting on discord through an alt account (fuck me running this sucks)

Report Izuku Midoriya · 299 views ·
Comments ( 231 )
  • Viewing 227 - 231 of 231

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Just randomly self-promoting my work to get the story out there. Feel free to look at my other stories such as You’ll Never Walk Alone and A Sweet Tooth if you prefer something darker.

Thank you for reading friend!:rainbowwild:

Good riddance to this animal. Glad he's banned on this account too.

I think I can guess what’s actually going on, but I won’t say here publicly. I don’t think it has to do with guns or violence.

I haven't been arrested yet

  • Viewing 227 - 231 of 231
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