• Member Since 8th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Twilight Glimmer

i'm like, an artist ig

The Latest

Blog Posts

  • 6 weeks
    shiny piece of paper

    So I graduated high school. Woooo!

    Suppose I should share what I’ve been doing lately?

    Well, I told my loved ones that once I’m out of that godforsaken program, I’d start getting better. Because it seemed kinda pointless to attempt it while still in that, situation. And yeah, I made a lot of people mad at me over that. 10 months of moping can do that to a person.

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    0 comments · 16 views
  • 6 weeks
    shiny piece of paper

    So I graduated high school. Woooo!

    Suppose I should share what I’ve been doing lately?

    Well, I told my loved ones that once I’m out of that godforsaken program, I’d start getting better. Because it seemed kinda pointless to attempt it while still in that, situation. And yeah, I made a lot of people mad at me over that. 10 months of moping can do that to a person.

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    0 comments · 29 views
  • 8 weeks
    Closing The Curtains pt 1

    Man uh, this series has been a really, really long time coming. But maybe it will help with closure or whatever.

    So you guys know I’m a theatre kid, and you know that there’s been some, interesting events that have occurred over the last 4 years. So let’s finally get into the good, the bad, and the ugly.

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    1 comments · 45 views
  • 11 weeks
    hi it’s me

    I hate that I have to write this, but I’d really like people to know that I’m not dead.

    So I was putting off writing this because I wanted to come in and be like, “hey! I’m gonna give you guys a happy ending!”

    Well sometimes things don’t have a happy ending, sometimes they just end and we have to be okay with that.

    I’m not graduating on time.

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    1 comments · 73 views
  • 18 weeks
    Why do I have to title everything?

    Didn’t I promise you guys an update?

    TW: CSA

    I’m… not going to be recapping the story again. Some of what I’ve said has been disputed, some proven wrong. But if you need it all rehashed?



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    0 comments · 60 views

There is no great genius without some touch of madness. - Aristotle


shiny piece of paper · 5:08am June 13th

So I graduated high school. Woooo!

Suppose I should share what I’ve been doing lately?

Well, I told my loved ones that once I’m out of that godforsaken program, I’d start getting better. Because it seemed kinda pointless to attempt it while still in that, situation. And yeah, I made a lot of people mad at me over that. 10 months of moping can do that to a person.

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Report Twilight Glimmer · 16 views ·

HAHAHA! · 12:32am Jul 15th, 2019

I found this image on JackRippers page.

This is cool.

I will be using it in a photo album.

Try and stop me. :trollestia:

Report Twilight Glimmer · 366 views ·
Comments ( 121 )
  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121

Thanks for the follow!

Regarding your recently-deleted blog post:

If you feel like writing that quote-unquote "op-ed", I'd certainly be interested in reading it. It's a perspective that the fandom as a whole is going to have to take into account more and more as the years go by and the show's original audience continues maturing; articulating that perspective could prove to be very insightful.

Apologies if you regretted asking the original question. I can delete this if you want me to.

Cheers for the follow.

  • Viewing 117 - 121 of 121
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