Musing for a Muse · 12:32am Jun 14th, 2019
I reeaaalllyyy need some inspiration. Usually I watch a new episode or go roleplay, but alas! I've seen all the episodes to date (and maybe accidentally some that air in the future...ooops), and I can't find any good place to roleplay. Does anyone know a good place to mlp roleplay?
Brony sounds like earthpony, and bronys are really hard core fans. Pegasisters sounds like pegasi, and are still bigger fans than I am. I say I'm of the unicorn guild because it is the only race left. I'm not a huge obsessive fan (anymore at least) and I like being creative.
What do you mean when you say you are "of the Unicorn Guild"?
Hey I made this for you as thanks for helping me with one of my old stories and for making Glitter Brightstar's cutie mark, I wish I could of thanked you sooner.
Thanks for the watch.
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