• Member Since 28th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen March 6th



I hate to disappoint... · 1:29am Mar 8th, 2015

Not sure if anyone even bothers after such a long hiatus, but I have to say this. I doubt I'll be writing much, if at all, this year. I am being forced to take a college major I don't like, again, just because my parents don't want me home. Since Engineering isn't easy at all, nor fun if you don't like it, my free time will be seriously limited.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 4 - 8 of 8

I love Captains permission Brothers blessing! Can u do a sequel on it?

Comment posted by not-so-anonymous deleted Mar 10th, 2016
Comment posted by not-so-anonymous deleted Mar 10th, 2016

1272893 Glad you liked it!

:rainbowdetermined2: sup im storm (duh) and my friends and i are huge fans of wub-hate

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