• Member Since 5th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen February 12th


A guy who loves to create stories and has a big imagination. Also wishes to become a famous Actor and Director.

My Lofty Goals

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The End of one year, and Beginning with another. · 6:59pm Dec 30th, 2019

Hello Everyone. It has been a long time since I actually made a blog post on this site. The last one was roughly a year ago. I know it feels strange wanting to blog my thoughts on here but I feel it is necessary.

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Report Broman · 549 views · Story: Where The Heart Lies ·

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A Few Things About Me

Hello Everyone! Welcome to my page! I'm Broman, a guy who loves MLP and loves to create stories. If you happen to browse through my page, down below are a few things about me.

Current Age: 25
Occupation: University Student
Relationship Status: Single
Location: America, Utah
Birthday: August 17
Favorite Mane Six: I like all of them but my favorite one would be Applejack
Favorite Princess: Luna
Favorite Villain: Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra
Favorite Mare(s): Cheerilee, Aloe and Lotus, Sonata Dusk
Favorite Stallion(s): Big Mac, Flash Sentry, Soarin
Favorite Crusader: Like them all but Scootaloo would be my favorite
Favorite Background ponies: Derpy, Dr. Whooves, Lyra, Octavia, and Vinyl

Deviant Art account: b25Roman

My writing style: I take my time when writing my stories. I could either have a burst of inspiration at a given notice or I usually take my time and think through what I want to write down. I also put a lot of effort into my writing, trying to shape it and making it stand out more. After completion I seek out editors who can offer me aid and advice and make the story stand out even more. I care for my stories and I want them to shine out. I hope that everyone will enjoy my writing as I have in making them.

Life goals: Being an Actor and Director in films, creating stories that many people would want to enjoy. Also making stories that have heartfelt messages about friends, family, and important morals and values that represent the best and the good in people. It's a dream that I know I can reach.

Want more: Unlock at one-hundred followers

I hope you give feedback on my stories and I hope to impress you all with what I have to offer.


My personal favorites

my faves on slices of life

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