• Member Since 29th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 30th


We didn't start the fire.

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Phew. · 11:21pm Sep 8th, 2017

It's been a wild year and a half or so. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm presently still alive and am doing better, if anyone ever wondered to themselves, 'where did that Krishna dude run off to'.

Report KrishnaKarnak · 617 views ·
Comments ( 184 )
  • Viewing 180 - 184 of 184

Where did you go? I loved your stories...

I'm still here too! *hug*
2325566 You're tearing me apart, Krishna! I did not hit her I did not o hi 42

Comment posted by Waspinator331 deleted Jan 10th, 2017

I hope your ok, i really enjoy your works and i hope life isnt tearing you apart. Just remember all things will pass, no matter how bad

  • Viewing 180 - 184 of 184
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