Phew. · 11:21pm Sep 8th, 2017
It's been a wild year and a half or so. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm presently still alive and am doing better, if anyone ever wondered to themselves, 'where did that Krishna dude run off to'.
It's been a wild year and a half or so. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm presently still alive and am doing better, if anyone ever wondered to themselves, 'where did that Krishna dude run off to'.
It's been a trip. That's the best way to describe it. I went back to work for a night and a half. Then it became very, very clear that I was only working because I wanted to, and not because I was in any way healthy enough for it. Just spent six very long days under 24 observation (144 hour observation technically). I'm safe to go home, but not yet in any condition to work. I'm not up to giving a full account of the week right now. I'm just still alive, let's put it that way.
Someone close to me told me this isn't losing, but they say you're your own harshest critic. Last Saturday morning, my mental health decline hit what was rock bottom and, long story short, I put myself in the hospital. The only way to describe the last week would be 'exhausting'. The mental health care system in Newfoundland is barely functional at best and damn near non existent at worst... same with the regular health care system. Canada may have 'free healthcare' (this doesn't include
The last thing I wrote and submitted to FIMFiction was on Christmas Eve, 2014. I wanted to try to return to WRTMI then, write another chapter or something before the big rewrite I wanted to do, but it just never happened. The only writing I did last year was basically some 4chan fetish crap, the entire time wanting to continue my main fic but feeling utterly incapable of doing so.
Had a bit of a writing renaissance lately. Within the next few days, I'll try and give you guys some insight on what's going to happen. One thing that kept me writing in the past was how it used to bring me some comfort from my day to day life. As that disappeared, as did my urge and ability to write. I'm beginning to get something of a spark again, but I don't yet know if I'm going to finish the next chapter for WRTMI or simply start it anew, since it's been well over a year. I don't know at
So, this happened. What's Really the Most Important rewrite has been stalled while I wait for Season 5 to wrap up. There's been incredible changes lately, and as we know there was an interesting story turn in S5E18. Did you guys notice the link I had in my last blog? I wrote a recap/reaction!
Rekt, am i rite
Holy crap, guys, that episode. Should I spoiler this? Are people still spoilering it? Eh, I'll link offsite. Lots of images and spoilers, obviously! Clicky. It's a recap/reaction and pretty darn long. Hope you folks enjoy and feel free to leave a comment!
I've been talking about a grand WRTMI rewrite for awhile. Well, over the last month, where I've been working out of town, I've been able to get a good bit of writing in and get the basis of the story established. This new reimagining will take place several months, maybe a year or more, prior to WRTMI Chapter 1, The Mother She Deserves. I'll be establishing canon with Season 5. That means the Elements of Harmony are out, Rainbow Power is in, unless the Season 5 finale does something even
Something from an early chapter of the rewrite. Check the last blog for some more WRTMI details if you so desire, since I was too dumb to tag the story.
“Jus'... jus' think about what Ah said, Dash, that's all.” Applejack finished her drink and remained where she sat, swaying slightly, staring into her empty tankard. “Safe night.”
Writing has been up and down. Bit of progress here and there, but none of it lightning fast. However, I have been writing, and writing a great deal unrelated to WRTMI, more on that later and miiight be long-winded.