• Member Since 29th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 30th


We didn't start the fire.

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  • 370 weeks

    It's been a wild year and a half or so. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm presently still alive and am doing better, if anyone ever wondered to themselves, 'where did that Krishna dude run off to'.

    6 comments · 636 views
  • 443 weeks
    Another six days in the hospital...

    It's been a trip. That's the best way to describe it. I went back to work for a night and a half. Then it became very, very clear that I was only working because I wanted to, and not because I was in any way healthy enough for it. Just spent six very long days under 24 observation (144 hour observation technically). I'm safe to go home, but not yet in any condition to work. I'm not up to giving a

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    7 comments · 567 views
  • 445 weeks
    I lost my fight

    Someone close to me told me this isn't losing, but they say you're your own harshest critic. Last Saturday morning, my mental health decline hit what was rock bottom and, long story short, I put myself in the hospital. The only way to describe the last week would be 'exhausting'. The mental health care system in Newfoundland is barely functional at best and damn near non existent at worst... same

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    8 comments · 611 views
  • 450 weeks
    Alright, here goes

    The last thing I wrote and submitted to FIMFiction was on Christmas Eve, 2014. I wanted to try to return to WRTMI then, write another chapter or something before the big rewrite I wanted to do, but it just never happened. The only writing I did last year was basically some 4chan fetish crap, the entire time wanting to continue my main fic but feeling utterly incapable of doing so.

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  • 451 weeks
    Some sort of update soon.

    Had a bit of a writing renaissance lately. Within the next few days, I'll try and give you guys some insight on what's going to happen. One thing that kept me writing in the past was how it used to bring me some comfort from my day to day life. As that disappeared, as did my urge and ability to write. I'm beginning to get something of a spark again, but I don't yet know if I'm going to finish the

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S5E18 Recap and Reaction! Click link. · 3:01am Oct 12th, 2015

Rekt, am i rite

Holy crap, guys, that episode. Should I spoiler this? Are people still spoilering it? Eh, I'll link offsite. Lots of images and spoilers, obviously! Clicky. It's a recap/reaction and pretty darn long. Hope you folks enjoy and feel free to leave a comment!

Probably not, Truffle Shuffle.

Report KrishnaKarnak · 369 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Totally going to see this reaction of yours.

Your reaction was pretty identical to mine. :raritystarry: I would have liked this to be some kind of double episode feature since the pacing was admittedly a bit rushed, but much like Magical Mystery Cure, the musical format made the pacing acceptable to me. Only, in my opinion, this episode was more well executed.

So glad you loved this one! And it's good hearing from you again, too!

I'm also soo glad that they did an arc redeeming Diamond Tiara. The mere fact alone that they managed to make me like a character I've despised since I became a fan of this show IN THE SPAN OF ONE EPISODE is pretty damn impressive to me, and now that she's not the antagonist she was before, there's a lot of room to expand upon with her character.

This show seriously keeps getting better and better.

3465088 handled it way better than MMC. The DT turn was handled through two songs, both her desire and the open door she could use. That was enough for the episode. Only problem is the quick ending left the cutie marks up to interpretation, so fans are still upset. The anon screencap in my reaction was all the explanation I personally needed.

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