• Member Since 29th Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen April 30th


We didn't start the fire.

More Blog Posts168

  • 369 weeks

    It's been a wild year and a half or so. Just wanted to stop by and say I'm presently still alive and am doing better, if anyone ever wondered to themselves, 'where did that Krishna dude run off to'.

    6 comments · 635 views
  • 442 weeks
    Another six days in the hospital...

    It's been a trip. That's the best way to describe it. I went back to work for a night and a half. Then it became very, very clear that I was only working because I wanted to, and not because I was in any way healthy enough for it. Just spent six very long days under 24 observation (144 hour observation technically). I'm safe to go home, but not yet in any condition to work. I'm not up to giving a

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    7 comments · 566 views
  • 444 weeks
    I lost my fight

    Someone close to me told me this isn't losing, but they say you're your own harshest critic. Last Saturday morning, my mental health decline hit what was rock bottom and, long story short, I put myself in the hospital. The only way to describe the last week would be 'exhausting'. The mental health care system in Newfoundland is barely functional at best and damn near non existent at worst... same

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    8 comments · 610 views
  • 449 weeks
    Alright, here goes

    The last thing I wrote and submitted to FIMFiction was on Christmas Eve, 2014. I wanted to try to return to WRTMI then, write another chapter or something before the big rewrite I wanted to do, but it just never happened. The only writing I did last year was basically some 4chan fetish crap, the entire time wanting to continue my main fic but feeling utterly incapable of doing so.

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  • 450 weeks
    Some sort of update soon.

    Had a bit of a writing renaissance lately. Within the next few days, I'll try and give you guys some insight on what's going to happen. One thing that kept me writing in the past was how it used to bring me some comfort from my day to day life. As that disappeared, as did my urge and ability to write. I'm beginning to get something of a spark again, but I don't yet know if I'm going to finish the

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Equestria map updated, here's where my own locales are... · 11:45am Oct 15th, 2015

So, this happened. What's Really the Most Important rewrite has been stalled while I wait for Season 5 to wrap up. There's been incredible changes lately, and as we know there was an interesting story turn in S5E18. Did you guys notice the link I had in my last blog? I wrote a recap/reaction!


Anyway, forever being cursed to desire to update my crap to HD, so to speak, I'm constantly thinking of how to bring WRTMI up to recent FIM events, possibly the end of Season 5, but I'm unsure whether to move the canon beyond Crusaders of the Lost Mark, sort of how I halted the current WRTMI canon at Sleepless in Ponyville/Wonderbolt Academy. Why not just drop all this crap and continue it as is? I'm not happy with it, simple as that.

Still working off and on on the next chapter, which as stated before will be the last one I release for WRTMI's current version, but as I said, I need to figure out how the story will shape around recent FIM events.

For example, the map above. In my headcanon, moving East from Baltimare, you across an ocean comparible to the Atlantic to reach Saddle Arabia in the continent of Osyrios, a name that is both homage to their God, Osiris, and the land of Ossyria in MapleStory. Saddle Arabia is boardered to the north and east by the Calm Lands, marshy wetlands home to tribes of thestrals. In contrast to the region name, they're at constant war. The northern coast of Osyrios is home to Griffon Peaks, a mountainous, harsh region with ancient, gigantic trees. Continuing north across the Pale Sea is the icy Dragonspire, comprised of several small volcanic islands surrounding a larger one, ice floes where the water currents remain cold and an endless glacial tundra surrounding the islands on all sides but the south. On the island is the capital of Drakenheim at the foot of Mars, a supermassive composite volcano with the Temple to Heaven at the peak, which itself is as big as a small mountain. It is so named because one of the ruling dragons of Dragonspire is the Gold Vizier, rumoured to be a diety in a mortal vessel and the most powerfully magical dragon in the world. And a bit of an asshole.

Some of this would've been relevant to that Rapidfire side story I was working on for a bit. Sorta makes me wanna continue it, but I've gotta focus on WRTMI until it's actually started to move again. But, yeah, I might need to shuffle some... continents around. I may need to throw everything to the West, rather than the East. We'll see. Have the party depart from Las Pegasus instead of Baltimare. That would be freakin' awesome. The best thing to be said is that I've been invigorated writing wise lately because of how damn fantastic the last episode was. It was sorta like how Sleepless in Ponyville got me writing in the first place.

Comments ( 9 )

The map was expanded? :rainbowhuh:

3472105 yeah, the first sentence up there has a link. The lands to the east are now there, the crystal empire and yakyakistan have been added, the rock farm, the Ponyville castle, etc.

3473294 Do you know where I can find a link to a high resolution version of this?

3473315 I think I had one saved at home, I'll check for you.

3474004 Damn, this one was the one I had saved:


Unfortunately, it's pieces put together and you can see the divide :/

3474195 Ah, I'm sure someone will make a high res version. Where did it originally come from anyway? Hasbro?

3474534 Why did I not know of this book? :pinkiegasp:

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