• Member Since 30th Dec, 2016
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I'm the guy with good ideas but lack the ability to turn them into stories. I'm also the guy that beta reads stories.


Big news 2 · 3:28pm Last Thursday

As of July 25, 2024

I’m twice the uncle than I was before!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:😆

Report Waspinator331 · 7 views ·
Comments ( 69 )
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Hi wasp just letting you know that how I created my profile picture, is using a scene of g5 spike and sunny starscout together and I created a g5 model version of future twilight sparkle of the last episode of season 9 finale

Like I always say wasp, little ponies can do big things

Hey man. You don't have to wait any longer now. My Ghost Rider story is complete. So go ahead and enjoy it and lemme know what you think and what you're favorite part was.

Oh. Ok I understand that.

I haven’t read it, I’m just waiting for it to be completed before I do.

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