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Celestia's Tiny Student Twilight is unable to control her powers during the entrance exam to the School for Talented Unicorns, and in order to reduce the damage caused by her power surges, Celestia shrinks her down until she would later learn how to control her powers. by CommanderX5 174,791 words · 2,268 · 73
Aftermath of the Games After the Friendship Games, Twilight wonders about karma. by Darth Link 22 16,180 words · 608 · 22
For the Mare Who Has Everything Every day Celestia shares light and love with all the ponies of Equestria. In turn, they share their love with her. Still, the princess senses there is something missing. Something her heart longs for. by Justice3442 41,884 words · 405 · 12
Past Sins Can Nightmare Moon, reborn without her hate, ever escape her past? by Pen Stroke 201,810 words · 12,675 · 381
The Enchanted Library When one fateful search through the Everfree Forest leads Rarity to a secret library inhabited by the spirit of an ancient alicorn princess, she realises that it may be time to start believing in fairy tales. by Monochromatic 337,147 words · 4,794 · 71
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- When you make a mistake, it hurts. When you try to apologize, it can hurt even more. When Gabby Gums made a mistake, she–or, rather, they–ran from it. This is what followed. AU "Ponyville Confidential" ending.Flutter-Spark · 2.7k words · 56 4 · 7.8k views
- In a strange, desperate turn of fate, Tails the Fox–sidekick and brother to Sonic the Hedgehog–finds himself flung across dimensions to Equestria. Now he must adapt to a world of magic, mystery and, of course, ponies.Flutter-Spark · 1.4k words · 12 3 · 1.1k views
- Twilight Sparkle has done a lot in a very short life: become student to the Sun Princess, found the Elements of Harmony, and defeated Nightmare Moon. Now living in Ponyville, what antics will Equestria's tiniest, kitten-sized little pony get into?Flutter-Spark · 1.9k words · 15 0 · 779 views
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249 weeksThe Spark Returns3 comments · 335 views
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Hey, Flutter-Spark here with a big update! That’s right, my friends; I’m not dead!
I’m sincerely and deeply sorry to readers for having been gone for so long. Life can be more chaotic than even Discord would like–
“I wouldn’t bet on that!”
Oh, shut it, ya darn Draconequis! You’ll get your time!
Answer’s been posted to my blog, but I’m going through some revision work right now and will soon be updating old chapters, then posting new ones. So very soon! Keep your eyes open!
Thanks for the follow!
When will U do the next chapter of "Ponytale?"
you are welcome