• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen January 5th


Do you like my work and want to support me? I'm raising money for a good cause: Miranda's Medical fund

The Stuff I've Done


The mark of Eran. · 5:29pm Oct 11th, 2015

So, I finally managed to get all the chapters out.

As I said when I started the release of this story, this is my last big project on this site.
You might see an off short story coming from me now and then, but nothing big.

I've more or less stopped following the show, so in terms of fanmade stuff I have very little to bring to the table anymore.

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Report Tofazz · 802 views · Story: The Mark of Eran ·
Comments ( 30 )
  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30

1821498 Love your first story of the Moxieverse so far. Hope you stay around.

what do you say to inspiration? musically i mean. https://kissanime.to/Anime/Gauche-the-Cellist/Movie?id=65951

1821498 Glad I gave you the warm fuzzy feeling, it's what we fans do for each other.

1771601 Thank you! Sorry for not answering you sooner, been having life to handle. I'm glad you enjoyed my work.

1821433 Thank you! I get all fuzzy inside from getting comments like this.

I really think The Mark of Eran is delivering excellent chapters so far, keep up the good work. :pinkiehappy:

  • Viewing 26 - 30 of 30
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