• Member Since 10th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen Sep 29th, 2020


Why am I a rarijack shipper again? Oh, yeah....

Blog Posts

  • 226 weeks
    How we all feel sometimes....

    Her: How could you celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in God?
    Me: How can you celebrate Valentine's day if no one loves you?

    0 comments · 144 views

How we all feel sometimes.... · 2:43am Mar 26th, 2020

Her: How could you celebrate Christmas if you don't believe in God?
Me: How can you celebrate Valentine's day if no one loves you?

Report Rarijack4lyfe · 144 views ·
Comments ( 5 )
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Thanks for the watch!

Oh. Well, I hope that you have a good day!

Why did I do it? I did it simply because I wanted to, and the fact here is that I just wanted some friends to hang with because I have absolutely no friends in real life.

Thank you for following me! But why did you do it?

a "Watch" means I follow you, and when you write a blog, or compose a story, I will be notified of such!

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