• Member Since 16th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Mar 23rd, 2020

Thunderspark Lightspeed

Just your friendly neighborhood Wonderbolt.

Things You Should Know About Me

1. I'm a devout Christian and supporter of Donald Trump.
2. I believe that homosexuality is wrong, but I don't hate gay people.
3. Feel free to DM me, but please ask first.
4. My OTP is SparkDash (me and Rainbow Dash)
5. I love anthros.

Blog Posts

  • 231 weeks
    Taking a short break

    Hey everyone,

    Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm taking a break from Fimfiction for a while, because I want to focus on school and my friendships in real life. Please don't unfollow me, as I'll be back in a few months. Until then, I'll miss you all :raritycry: Stay awesome.

    3 comments · 173 views
  • 232 weeks
    Oh no.

    I just found out that some inmates escaped from prison near my hometown, and I'm scared as hell.

    5 comments · 185 views
  • 233 weeks
    I want to get to know you guys better

    Tell me about yourselves, I'd like to get to know you all :pinkiehappy:

    I love martial arts, singing, music, and I'm very competitive!

    13 comments · 203 views
  • 233 weeks

    Got pulled over. Damn it.

    Thank God I only got a warning.

    9 comments · 193 views
  • 233 weeks
    How's everyone doing?

    Hey everyone, how's your day going? Hopefully it's going better than mine. I got pulled over for speeding but fortunately only got off with a warning.

    1 comments · 162 views

Taking a short break · 9:52pm Feb 16th, 2020

Hey everyone,

Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm taking a break from Fimfiction for a while, because I want to focus on school and my friendships in real life. Please don't unfollow me, as I'll be back in a few months. Until then, I'll miss you all :raritycry: Stay awesome.

Comments ( 52 )
  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52

*silly noises*

My original comment was "MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" but I thought it was rude to interrupt.

What did you post on my page? Says post was deleted. :applejackunsure:

Thank you for following me.

  • Viewing 48 - 52 of 52
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