Shipping the Straight Way 113 members · 128 stories

I am going to keep this simple. If you want old fashioned straight shipping, come right on over.

Anyway. This is for all your favorite straight ships. enjoy, have fun, and follow the rules.


1. This is for straight shipping. As long as the main ship is heterosexual, the story is allowed into the group. A story may have a side or background couple that is homosexual.

2. No hateful comments, remarks, or reviews. NO HOMOPHOBIA

3. Please put stories in correct folders.

Comments ( 20 )
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I understand the difference between correlation and causation. Say, the needle on a car's fuel gauge is pointing to the E. That correlates with the car having no fuel.

Of coarse, the fuel gauge isn't causing the car to have no fuel (it's the other way around), but we still need to give the car fuel if we want to drive anywhere.


Look, if you don't understand the difference between correlation and causation, we're not going to be able to have a useful discussion on this topic.

You contradict yourself. You say: "Things people do as a fantasy ARE NOT an indicator of what they will do in real life". But you also say "liking kid porn doesn't make you molest children. These two things are *correlated* not *causative*".

If there's a correlation between watching kid porn and hurting kids, then watching kid porn is an indicator that someone will hurt kids! So forgive me if I want to keep kid porn, and those who watch it, well away from this fandom.

Plus, you're literally defending kid porn here! You're defending the indefensible.


Watch that video I linked too.

Turns out I have seen it before. Video creator uses one example, ToonKritic, to try to brush entire community a certain way. I'm afraid I can't agree; for every one terrible example like this, you'll find another person who has really done amazing things for people and achieved good (Gabe Brown might be an example here).

The argument that keeps being made is "I can see people have sexual desires about a thing I find morally repulsive, therefore this community is morally repulsive." No. You can judge individual people for the things they do in real life. You don't get to judge people based on their inner thoughts. If someone wants to draw art about having sex with kids, and it stays that way, then so be it. I don't like it, but it's not any of our place to tell people what they can or can't like.

And to hammer the point in one more time: Things people do as a fantasy ARE NOT an indicator of what they will do in real life. Video games don't make school shooters, liking anthropomorphic animals doesn't make people who have sex with animals, and liking kid porn doesn't make you molest children. These two things are *correlated* not *causative*.


Of course, you can always find a few bad apples in any community. But I think this is more then just a few bad apples! Watch that video I linked too.

I don't understand the point of this comment. What use does it serve? What are you advocating for?


You missed my second part, however. Disregard the human/animal/whatever, then. Does it matter if it is fantasy? I don't think so.


"It's not a good idea to judge a whole community by individual members."

Of course, you can always find a few bad apples in any community. But I think this is more then just a few bad apples! Watch that video I linked too.

"When you move from humans to animals, is the pedophilia label valid any longer?"

The Ponies are not animals, they are people. And why wouldn't it count, if you use Ponies instead of Humans?

You can't just write child erotica, and say that it doesn't count because you're using Klingons or Ponies instead of Humans. That really doesn't make much ethical difference.

I'd say two things to that:

1) It's not a good idea to judge a whole community by individual members. The scientist in me cringes when someone tries to take "person X has a problem" and make it mean "all members of X have a problem".

2) When you move from humans to animals, is the pedophilia label valid any longer? Is the age a moral concern if the thing isn't real?

My personal moral compass has no issues with people having fantasies of sexual relations with anything, as long as it stays a fantasy and doesn't go into reality.

Also someone is going to go "but fantasy causes reality!". One, Celestia would like to disagree with you there. Two, all evidence I'm aware of shows this is not the case. Violent games don't cause mass shootings, sexy horses don't cause people to fuck real horses, and child porn - despite what people try to tell you - don't cause people to molest children.

That's because if you give a slight hint of anything critical, when it comes to LGBTism: You get eaten alive.

And on this site: It's not just LGBT. It's also P for "pedophilia"! If you say that pedophillia/foalcon is bad, Bronies will eat you alive. The MLP fandom has a pedophilia problem (start watching at 11:36).

Reposting from a different thread....

As usual, it's "inclusive" to have a particular LGBTQIA shipping group, but somehow "exclusive" to have a straight-shipping group.

Seriously, there is nothing wrong here. You're classifying fiction into groups that people can choose on. People looking for X topic should be able to find X topic. But the perception people have is that "straight" means OMG WE HATE THE GAYS. No, folks. People just like reading what they like reading, and having a preference for straight is not any difference than having a preference for gay or transgender or asexual.

That explains why I am having such a hard time with this stuff. I managed to get myself to like them, but I'm still half and half.

This is a group for straight shipping. It's not a group about "accepting gays" or "rejecting gays".

But should you accept gays? If you want my advice: I think that depends on just what you mean by "accepting gays".

I am having troubles accepting gays right now. My mom doesn't want me to and I am unsure if I should. What do I do?

Thanks for the invite too.

Thanks for the invite

Thanks for invite:twilightsmile:

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