• Member Since 7th Mar, 2019
  • offline last seen 6 minutes ago


Physics teacher. Engineer. EMT. Builder.

Blog Posts

  • 38 weeks
    Apologies to ….

    Where do Bronies go when they die?
    They don’t go to Heaven where the angels fly
    They go to Equestria, visit the pegasi
    Don’t seem them again until Anon comes by

    If you got this reference, go take your aspirin, your back probably hurts.

    0 comments · 71 views
  • 56 weeks
    Literary raccoon

    Looking through the new stories every day feels like digging through a dumpster, trying to find that one story which makes the dumpster-diving worthwhile.

    Most days I just walk away feeling dirty.

    0 comments · 83 views
  • 60 weeks
    FIMFiction missing features

    Of the features on the site that are missing, the most glaring is default view filtering. In short, your home view of stories should be filterable, and those filters persistent.

    Without this, you essentially have only one choice: Include or not include mature stories.

    Read More

    0 comments · 86 views
  • 61 weeks
    The uselessness of an "AI generated" content ban

    The thread on this turned into a shit storm and I get too many emails already to get pinged on that, so I stopped posting over there.

    Here's my final comment on this, for anyone who cares: It doesn't matter. It's a ban without use.

    Read More

    4 comments · 239 views
  • 69 weeks
    As time->inf, quality->0

    Story quality feels like it has dropped sharply since FiM ended. The new story pages are an endless quagmire of isekai crossovers, niche fetishes, and rehashes of ideas from 2012.

    It might be time to give up.

    4 comments · 132 views

Welcome to my home, y'all

Thanks for stopping by. Not much to see here at the moment. Check out some of my favorite stories below.

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Apologies to …. · 3:19am Oct 29th, 2023

Where do Bronies go when they die?
They don’t go to Heaven where the angels fly
They go to Equestria, visit the pegasi
Don’t seem them again until Anon comes by

If you got this reference, go take your aspirin, your back probably hurts.

Report ibanix · 71 views ·
Comments ( 14 )
  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14

Thanks for the fave.

Thank you for the follow, may Sigmar's light guide you through troubled times!

Different username, different avatar, that's probably how.

Not sure how I missed this account before ;)

Thanks for the follow!

  • Viewing 10 - 14 of 14
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