• Member Since 1st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen June 12th

Badmiral Biscuit

Sometimes slice of life is saucy.

Comments ( 17 )
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It's certainly an interesting mix. I'm particularly proud of Golden Flowers as a character—I think she's the only OC who's also made it to a story on my main account.

Celestia speed you on your journeys, masked biscuit man.

Thank you!

(also apologies for the rather late reply, I don't use this account all that much)

And there I finished the last of your catalog. Pardon me for not commenting on each individually :derpytongue2: There was fun stuff. There was hot stuff. There was weird stuff. There was sweet stuff. For varied meanings of "sweet" and "stuff". There was diabetic urine is what I'm saying.

Celestia speed you on your journeys, masked biscuit man.


I thought I was losing my mind for a minute there. I realized I remember reading several of these over the years and I was wondering how on earth I missed this was your alt account, then figured out what had happened. What a plot twist!

Yeah, that little name change and avatar change threw a few people for a loop. Not sure if I'll regret this in the future, I guess we'll see :rainbowlaugh:

I thought I was losing my mind for a minute there. I realized I remember reading several of these over the years and I was wondering how on earth I missed this was your alt account, then figured out what had happened. What a plot twist!

How could you tell with the clever disguise? :rainbowlaugh:

But of course I followed you. Your suspicious resemblance to another naval-themed baked good bears close scrutiny :pinkiehappy:.

Which is funny!


I'm aware.

I read and fave'd the casual sex Sunset Shimmer story!

~Skeeter The Lurker

Welcome to the dark side, friend.

Way, dude :heart: And this account's been . . . lurking for a long time (under a different name with a different avatar).

  • Viewing 8 - 17 of 17
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Furry Foray Contest—a retrospective · 12:30am Apr 11th, 2023

Furry Foray Contest, a retrospective.

For anyone who was paying attention to this account or FimFiction in general, there were suddenly a bunch of crossover fics with very specific furry characters . . . somebody ran a contest. Probably can't link to it, 'cause the rules, but it was called the Furry Foray Festival.


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