• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen June 15th

Smug Anime Girl

I sit here to smug at you, but not by choice

Comments ( 143 )
  • Viewing 129 - 143 of 143
Comment posted by Shadow of the Night deleted Jun 7th, 2022

You need to stop being so hateful. I agree with what others are saying, including Smug Anime Girl, and you're not helping yourself with being so hateful and making yourself look like a complete fool.

I would watch it, when you make comments on someone's profile when you're you're not welcome.

not really, just visiting the people I haven't been active with for a while

I suppose, anything on your mind?

long time no talk!

My smug anime girl dump is endless

Why do you keep changing your profile pic?

  • Viewing 129 - 143 of 143
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