• Member Since 1st Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 22nd, 2019

Sir Squiggles

"Another world, another day, another dawn. " -Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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General Information about Yours Truly

Sex/Gender: Male
Age: 17
Habitat: San Antonio, TX, USA
Favorite Types of Stories: Romance, Comedy, Adventure
Favorite Pony: Don't make me choose!
Favorite Animal: SQUID!!
Favorite Food: Bacon
Favorite Non-Pony Shows: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Top Gear, Walking Dead, Steven Universe, Parks and Recreation
Favorite Number: 9
Favorite Color: Purple
Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr: Don't got one
But you're the best!!!!! How can get in touch????: Oh, imaginary writer, you flatter me. If you really want to talk, just PM me or comment on my user page!

TTFN, Ta Ta for Now! -Tigger


New Profile Pic!! · 12:39am Nov 5th, 2015

The new and improved Sir Squiggles!!

Special thanks to Furious Flyer Dashie for making it! She put up with all my little nitpickiness and even offered to redo the picture on a new program! FOR FREE!!! She's super awesome and I highly recommend using her for any art you may want.

-Sir Squiggles

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Comments ( 20 )
  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20

2049707 Alright thanks. Figured it out.

There's a module you can use for anything, I just decided to use it for that!

How did you attach the get to know you thing to your profile/ how did you set up your profile to look like that? Or does it naturally have that appearance?

2048128 Hey, thanks for the two faves!


Head bent over. Raise the posterior.

  • Viewing 16 - 20 of 20
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