• Member Since 2nd Nov, 2014
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The Cyan Recluse

I'm reclusive. It's right there in the name.

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Anyone Have Any Suggestions? · 3:16am Dec 7th, 2017

So, tomorrow is December 7th. Pearl Harbor Day. And while I am loathe to engage in shameless self promotion, I posted a story around Memorial Day that is, I believe, rather thematically appropriate. Unfortunately, Ashes of Harmony did not get much attention or many views at the time of its release.

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Report The Cyan Recluse · 446 views ·
Comments ( 18 )
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Comment posted by Spiders Are Bae deleted Jul 21st, 2021

Thanks for favoring my story, Twilight's World.

Comment posted by A Man Undercover deleted May 2nd, 2020

Just re read this for the Nth time don't know why I haven't mentioned this writer to you before this. You delved into the under belly of Equestria and so does this writer IMHO he is one of the best on the site de Writer author of the Grumpy Goat stories along with the stories of the Rom. you might find them interesting.

Thank you for the favorite of Jake and the Kid

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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