• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
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Slightly insane, but then again, who isn't?


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It's my birthday! · 1:04am Sep 26th, 2015

...And this is how I feel about it.

*sigh* Birthdays just don't have the same charm once you turn 18.

And I'm 23.

Report Bubbabob · 435 views ·

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Stuff you should know about me

Age: 29
Birthday: September 25
Gender: Male (just in case my username didn't tip you off)
Race: Filipino/Redneck and several other breeds of white with a pinch of Native American.
Education: Patrick Star's Institute of Wumbology
Address: Dark side of the moon

Favorite Pony: Pinkie
Best Princess: Luna
Most spectacular and handsome (ex)villain: Discord

Pony Personality: I'm most like Pinkie Pie!

My Brain:

Comments ( 88 )
  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88

Do you still write? I really enjoyed your story about the SCP

Thanks for adding Temporary Hiatus to your favorites. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Glad I found it.

Glad you like Zebrican Warlord!

Thanks for the fave on "Human After All!" :pinkiesmile:

  • Viewing 84 - 88 of 88
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