Contributions Needed · 10:39pm Jan 22nd, 2014
No, the title does NOT mean I need money. Since the Chessverse is getting a HUGE overhaul thanks to Boots (Thethhron) taking control and getting all of us to actually act like a group, I want to help lighten his workload that he doesn't even know he has.
Namely, this: The Chess Game Of The Gods
Hey dude are you ever going to make another chapter of "dark body, light soul", it's one of my favorite stories, cause it's really good, and it's rare to find stories like this, so its unique, and I love stories like that.
Thanks for the fave on A Hairy Problem!
Thanks for fav'ing Flames and Twilight
I hope you enjoy it
Thank you for the favorite on "More than Her Mane".