Visionary Roleplay Universe 35 members · 0 stories

A group dedicated to roleplays set in Razorbeam's Visionary universe. May involve crossovers to other universes in certain threads.

Come one, come all, and join the inevitable breakdown of your sanity!

All roleplays are non-canon by default at Razorbeam's preference, any roleplays may be 'novelized' and posted as a story given permission by all players involved.

Comments ( 4 )
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Lower Your Shields, AppleTank, and prepare to be boarded.

299847 As shall this in our own.

299817 Twinxie will be so happy you've arrived!

Might as well pop a link for this in here. It'll be popping up in the threads rather often if I have my way.

Yay! Good, Trixie will happily join.

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