TinkermaneTwilight discovers true love in the heart of a steam engineer.by Razorbeam
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VisionaryA tale of a changeling's reformation.by Razorbeam
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GreenRarity and Fluttershy have been friends for years, and every week they go to the spa. But after every trip, Rarity finds herself growing greener with envy over Fluttershy's beauty and grace, if not something more than just envy—by Steel Resolve
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Whip and WingDaring Do & Indiana Jones battle each others' enemies in a race to save their worlds and themselves.by Fernin
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HumanThe Human of legend has been released, and the Brotherhood makes its move.by DannyJ
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Cool avatar, very creative, I almost burst out laughing. Almost.
751500 It was too good not too.
Thanks a ton for favoriting "Sombra's Horn Survived The Blast"!
154304 Why thank you kind sir.
You, good sir, have one new comment. Why you had no comments before this, I will never know. Some people are just rude.