• Member Since 15th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


Just a simple writer trying to make her way in this universe.

One-shot Stories

Close Call Chronicles


Stories related to The Fractured and its universe:

1 - The Fractured - Alterations Pending
2 - Keepers of the Crag - Mostly Planned

Teapot Tales

Stories in the Teapot Tales shown in order:

Arc 1:
Prologue - Spot of Tea, Change for Me! - Completed
1 - A Deer Named John - Arc 1 Completed
The Loose Tea Leaves - Collection 1
2 - Deer Oh Deer - Completed
3 - Scales of Desire - Completed
4 - Rock Crush Love? - Completed
5 - Muck Muck Clean Up - Completed
6 - Hi, I'm *Insert Name Here* and I'm a Former Human - Completed
7 - Homesick Boos - Completed
8 - Morning Struggles - Completed
9 - Slice 'n' Dice - Completed
10 - Legend of the Snowshark - Completed
Arc 2:
11 - Iced Tea - In Production
The Loose Tea Leaves - Collection 2
12 - Recognition - Planned (Working Title)
13 - Fractures Arise - Planned (Working Title)
14 - Worrying Propositions - Planned (Working Title)
15 - Faded Lustre - Planned (Working Title)
16 - The Master Goes Before - Planned (Working Title)
17 - Children of the Teapot - Planned (Working Title)
18 - Do I Bug You? - Planned (Working Title)
Arc 3:
19 - Bitter Tea - Chapters Planned (Working Title)
Finale Short:
20 - Sweet Tea - Planned

Latest Stories

Blog Posts

  • 9 weeks
    Always the hardest...

    Twelve and a half years ago, a pure white cat walked into my life and front door. She had six kittens in tow and eight more inside her. She was hungry and needed love. I gave her all she could ever want. Six months later, when the second litter was just starting to ween, her lungs nearly failed. For twelve years, every three days I gave her medication. She thrived and returned the love given. She got to keep two from the second litter. All the rest found homes elsewhere. So many trips to the

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    2 comments · 38 views
  • 14 weeks
    Where have I been?

    Where have I been? Short answer is dealing with very stressful things then getting sick.

    Long answer:

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    4 comments · 65 views
  • 32 weeks
    Coping of a Former Human Removed (Deleted)

    Today, I have removed the "A Deer Named John" companion piece "Coping of a Former Human" from my published stories list. I've been considering this action for a long time (years) and have finally made the move. The reason being that it doesn't easily fit with what I have planned moving forward with its group of stories. Those stories I still want to write, just they now no longer have the weight of the previous story to hang from them. Those other stories will be carried under a different

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    2 comments · 113 views
  • 38 weeks
    State of the next chapter

    Have spent part of this week nibbling away at what could be considered the cold opening of the next chapter, which wasn't originally planned for. The fun of adjusting the end of the previous chapter. Reviewed the overall notes as well and am currently dealing with an issue which would have become a plot hole in about eight or ten chapters time so doing best to plug it before that can happen.

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  • 39 weeks
    It is finally here!

    It is here. It is FINALLY here! Approximately two years from the date I was originally aiming for and on a date I otherwise wouldn't have but the distraction is very welcome. The new chapter is finally out of my hands!

    As the author's notes say at the end of the chapter:

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    2 comments · 171 views

Always the hardest... · 1:58am May 24th

Twelve and a half years ago, a pure white cat walked into my life and front door. She had six kittens in tow and eight more inside her. She was hungry and needed love. I gave her all she could ever want. Six months later, when the second litter was just starting to ween, her lungs nearly failed. For twelve years, every three days I gave her medication. She thrived and returned the love given. She got to keep two from the second litter. All the rest found homes elsewhere. So many trips to the

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Report Tael_Spinner · 38 views ·
Comments ( 207 )
  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207

Thanks for taking an interest.

While reading your reply, it occurred to me that there's no proof that the stories in that folder are unfinished by you. maybe you simply forgot to move them out of that folder. There's enough in there that I can easily imagine that's happened a few times.

I sort of go bingeing through that folder and yes many stories from it have helped get the creative juices flowing (sometimes I forget to move them to other folders when done though). But, if it is in there, just know that there is something which has caught my interest. And I do genuinely want to get through them all, even if it means running them in text to speech just to get through them a little quicker.

Tael_Spinner added False Face to Desperately Seeking Time to Read

At first, the notification I got above made me laugh. At second, the humor lingered but it also occurred to me how sad the reason might be. There can be many things we want to do in life but get too busy to do sometimes. Something like the above takes time but I guess little else. Internet access, maybe?

If you ever do find the time for it, I hope you enjoy the process. Furthermore, I also hope it helps to inspire you somehow. Maybe give you new ideas? Who knows?

Also, wow! Found 1,655 stories were found in that folder, and Total Words: 53 million,461 thousand, 438 words in there. Considering how many stories are in there, though, I get the feeling most of these are fairly short. All in all, the program Estimates that'll take 21 weeks to read them all.


I got one thing to say to that below.

Thank you for taking such an interrest in Luna's little Rose. :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 203 - 207 of 207
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