• Member Since 27th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen July 19th


'We're often silent. We don't yell and we don't complain. We're patient, as always. Because we don't have the words yet. We're afraid to talk about it. We don't know how.' -Svetlana Alexievich

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Blog Posts

  • 128 weeks

    Hello, comrades.

    Usually I don't make announcements like these primarily because it's not something I consider important. I haven't really celebrated a birthday for a few years now.

    But there has been a habit I have taken up the past few months, and so I just wanted to encourage those who have some spare money to consider donating to the following causes:

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    3 comments · 252 views
  • 148 weeks

    Good morning, comrades.

    I apologise for what certainly will be a confusing format. I have never been one to write something of quality as many of you are aware, and so it is very much possible that the entire messaging of this will be muddled. This is more of an update on life for those who are interested, as a few things have happened the past few months which may be of note.

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    2 comments · 170 views
  • 162 weeks
    Human Rights Foundation | Byelorussian fund

    Good day,

    For those who have read my previous blog post about me denouncing my citizenship to Byelorussia, I have come forward again only because of serious concerns regarding the welfare of people trapped in the Byelorussian dictatorship.

    Recently, a few concerning things have happened. Namely:

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    2 comments · 179 views
  • 166 weeks
    To denounce citizenship

    Hello, comrades

    In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure why I am writing this. This is no matter that particularly affects anyone, nor is it something that really has to do with this site or its users. It's a consequential decision that really only affects me and me alone.

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    7 comments · 257 views
  • 169 weeks
    76th Anniversary of Elbe Day

    Hello, everyone!

    I felt inspired to post this, but unfortunately this is a day late. On the 25th of April,1945, a momentous occasion in the Second World War happened: the meeting of American and Soviet troops on the river Elbe. Both being allies at the time, the two armies met each other with tears, handshakes, hugs, and of course: alcohol.

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    4 comments · 146 views