Keeping Your Scale Focused · 2:03am May 9th, 2023
I figure enough time has passed that I can be a little less leery of posting spoilers for Star Trek Picard Season 3. I won't go *too* in depth (and will spoiler tag a few things), but I do want to talk about the work that the writer/director Terry Malalas did with Episode 10 (the last) in particular.
You probably get this a lot, but you are amazing. I remember the day where you published your first story. You just popped into existence and put out banger after banger in quick succession, about my favorite ponies. I never got the chance to say it as I didn't have an account back then but whenever I do a reread of your much beloved stories, I feel immensely happy and a bit melancholic. I enjoy your stories a lot. You are a very skilled artist. I hope you always find joy and passion in the things you do :)
Tiny Twi has invaded this page.
You're page now belongs to Tiny Twi.
You are a wonderful human being filled with love, kindness and intelligence
Thank you for the watch; I hope my future work is worthy of your attention.