• Member Since 26th Nov, 2016
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Cinder Vel

Always look on the bright side of life!

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Random Vector Art · 1:03pm Jun 21st, 2021

Hi, still talking to myself! While I do still hold an illusion that I'll write some stories, or write more about not writing, I instead decided to learn how to draw stuff with vectors.

Behold, a Haptus! That's all the context you're getting.

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Comments ( 354 )
  • Viewing 350 - 354 of 354

Oh okay do you know what you are going to be doing with them yet?

Probably hang out with friends when it cools down.

Oh okay and what are your plans for today?

I mean, there is the Add Image button. Unless you mean file on your pc/phone then you need to upload ot somewhere first, FimFic doesn't host images.

Yeah and I wish I knew I how to send pictures on here. So you could show you who mine are someone made a collage of my favorite characters.

  • Viewing 350 - 354 of 354
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