No more than 8500 words
No less than 6500 words.
1 break at 400-600 words.
1 break at 2000-3000 words.
1 break at 4500-5500 words.
A full story arc with beginning, middle, and end, not a snapshot of an event with no real conclusion.
Rated E, consistent with the show's tone, rough continuity, and localisation.
No crossovers.
No whining.
This is the 'Write an Episode' challenge group. Have you ever read threads with folks endlessly criticising the show pacing without having tried to cram all that content in a short, episode length story? Upset that people think short stories are easy to just bang out, no effort required? Well now you can give it a shot and lord over them that you are better than these peasant scrubs in every possible way.
If your story fits the challenge, feel free to add it to the 'Sumbissions' folder so someone (me or some other poor loser) can read it to check it fits the rules. Sometimes we may run contests or events too, depending on how much interest people have in this whole shenanigan.
What does "show's localisation" mean?
436067 Well it's set to user posting rights, so it should work.
If you can't manage it, send me the link to the story and I'll do it myself. : )
I see the "Hits and Misses" folder but I don't see the "add story" button.
435224 Howdy, sorry for getting to this late; I sometimes forget people actually post on the main page of groups sometimes.
I'll make a folder specifically for stories that tried and failed; it might be interesting to look at stories that came close but not quite. Feel free to post it there once the folder is up. : )
I tried to do this challange once, I failed miserably but I think the result was still a good story so should I post it here?
I don’t have it written down yet but I am going to work on a Ben 10 crossover. I will be writing all of the Omniverse episodes but it will also feature episodes that I will make myself.