Team Shadowbolts 202 members · 494 stories

This group is all about the Friendship Games' reigning champions, The Shadowbolts. Crystal Prep is ready for anything that comes their way, including magical interferences that dare to challenge them.

Feel free to put as many stories as you would like, as long as it's in the correct folder.

Comments ( 8 )
  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8

I beg your pardon, but I'm not seeing a Sour Sweet folder. This injustice pains me.

I've written a few Shadowbolts stories myself, and in doing so have developed a soft spot for the quintet. =) I'm jumping in!

My favorite Shadowbolt is Sour Sweet.

I was just looking though the story folder's and i just noticed that there isn't one for Sour Sweet at the time i am typing this.

Just pointing out, there's a mistake in the group title:

This group is all about the Friendship Games' raining champions,

It should be This group is all about the Friendship Games' reigning champions,

Can I put stories about background students in here too?

  • Viewing 1 - 8 of 8