• Member Since 11th Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Not much to say. I read stories, try to support the ones that touch me. Now I'm starting to give more. It's a good feeling

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  • 45 weeks
    Today is a Day of Quiet Contemplation

    September 11th, 2001.
    I was merely a thought in my parent's mind at the time. Maybe not even that, when we, as the United States were attacked.
    Many people know of the World Trade Center, but that wasn't the only target. Today, 22 years ago, our Pentagon was also attacked.
    There would've been another plane too, if the passengers hadn't risen above their fear and forced it down in a remote countryside area.
    I just want to write on these events.

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    1 comments · 96 views
  • 82 weeks
    Merry Christmas Everyone!

    Whew... so, before I start... I owe you all an apology.
    It's been... at least a year, possibly more since I've updated Guardian Angel And... that's just not fair to you guys!
    So... consider this my Christmas gift to you all! It was... one of the toughest chapters I had to write in my life. Not only because I wrote like... half of it a year ago.

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    0 comments · 106 views
  • 91 weeks
    One More Update! (I swear I'm writing!)

    Hey all! Just a quick thing here, I have most of the next chapter of Guardian Angel written out! I have... maybe two more scenes to write. One of which... is going to be the most complicated scene I've... ever written. As in... three pages of notes, complicated. Note, that my notes for a chapter are usually two pages at the most...

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    0 comments · 103 views
  • 94 weeks
    I'm Alive!

    Good morning everyone, yes, I am alive! I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting for so long. But for real now! I have a plan to finish up my final chapter for Guardian Angel! I won't promise consistent upload schedules, that's just not how I do things. I wanna give you guys the best I can possibly give whenever I write, so however long that takes, is how long I'll take. I promise to not upload anything that I myself am not proud

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  • 122 weeks
    Let's get a little serious here.

    Hey all... I know there aren't very many of you, and this might not be the update you're hoping for, but there's been a few things that have been eating at me recently.
    I'm going to talk about the most important one here.

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    0 comments · 146 views

Today is a Day of Quiet Contemplation · 12:37pm Sep 11th, 2023

September 11th, 2001.
I was merely a thought in my parent's mind at the time. Maybe not even that, when we, as the United States were attacked.
Many people know of the World Trade Center, but that wasn't the only target. Today, 22 years ago, our Pentagon was also attacked.
There would've been another plane too, if the passengers hadn't risen above their fear and forced it down in a remote countryside area.
I just want to write on these events.

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Report Absentialucci · 96 views ·