Anterlot public Library 20 members · 440 stories

Greetings, and welcome to the canterlot public library!

Canterlot public library is a group dedicated to collect all relevant stories of all times in one place, be it fandom classics or contemporary masterpieces.

If you are a new user or just arrived recently to the fandom, you may have had a hard time looking for the stories that defined the site. You dont even know where to start searching for those treasures of the past buried beneath the sands of time. Alternatively, maybe you are out of the loop of what is trendy these days.
Whatever the case is, the canterlot public library got you covered!

The purpose is not to give these stories more exposure or views. If they are here, they already got plenty of that. This group aims to bring these iconic stories closer to a new readership. All time hits, in one place.

In order to do this, certain parameters are taken into account such as:

-ratings: minimum of 150 for contemporary stories, and a minimum of 400 for classics.

-year of publication :pre 2016 for classics and post 2016 for contemporary.

Now, I know what you may be thinking. How can you be so elitist? judging stories by their ratings smh and I cant blame you for thinking that way. There are tons of stories out there below the established ratings that quality wise deserve a hall of fame of their own. So many that a single group ran by a single person (yet) couldnt contain. At times I have felt bad about not including some absolute underrated masterpieces for not making the cut. Is frustrating, but necessary to keep the group somewhat manageable.

As the amount of iconic reads is ridiculously huge, there may be some more than honorary or even mandatory additions missing here. Im doing the best I can to add them all, but in case there is a story missing that should be here, please share a link on the pinned suggestions post.

Last but not least, you may have noticed a top empty folder called reads of the week. Every week it will be updated with a number of fics within the group on a thematic fashion, and a wordcount total goal. Because reading quality stuff is an habit that should be fostered, especially for new writers. No better way to write quality stuff than digesting words upon words of stories that made it big.

Hope you find some good reads here.


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