• Member Since 27th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Jack of a Few Trades

beak enthusiast

What am I working on?

Set Sail
Chapter 18: Writing underway!
Wordcount: 3546

Updated 6/25/2024


A small change · 12:56am Last Wednesday

Ghost Mike surprised me yesterday with a review of Without Another Word and it brought my attention to something I'd been putting off doing for a long time. The old cover art for that story was just a random picture I grabbed from google images. Might have been on Pinterest? I have no idea. I had no money to commission art when I wrote that fic, so it stayed like that for 7 years. I even came

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Through some random turn of events, whether that be a miraculous stroke of luck or a cruel twist of fate, you've landed on this page. My page. My little corner of this magnificently weird website.

What will you find here? Well, aside from the questionably insane fellow over there who may or may not talk your ear off about the weather and why Cheerilee should be the main character of the series, you might also find a story that you'll like. Why not stick around for a while? See the sights and sounds, read the words, have a good time.

Oh, and don't click this link.

Stay in touch!

My Own, Home-Grown, Organic, Gluten-Free Horsewords

Comments ( 136 )
  • Viewing 132 - 136 of 136

I'm everywhere all at once 😎

*gasssssppp* is youu!!!

nibble nom :3 you are awesome x3

Just dropping by to say hello to a great writer!

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