Original Character Stories 129 members · 299 stories

Do you find that when you are writing stories that your original characters seem to work better for you than the characters from the show? Then this is the group for you! This group is made for all stories involving OCs; whether they are the main characters to your story or off to the side, they are accepted.

Comments ( 11 )
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I think all my oc are pretty ok... not the best though but... I wish people would love for what they are though.

Hello everyone! I just joined your group and thought it would be polite to say hi. I hope you are having a wonderful day full of inspiration. :pinkiehappy: Could some of you perhaps help me with a question? See, I used to be a bit of a loner when it comes to writing and only recently decided to find out what the groups on FIMFiction have to offer. So… what usually happens in a group like this? I understand you can add stories to folders that correspond with the kind of story you have made. Can I do that right now or must I ask for permission? Should I announce my stories as well? Do you have any tips and tricks on how to make the most out of this group? I hope you can help me out. Thanks in advance! :twilightsmile:

Lots of love, :heart:


A troll has been going around submitting a story to a mass number of folders and groups. After 3 hours of combing I found the story in 4 Folders in this group
The story - The Ravaging of Rainbow - is a trollfic and contains ZERO OC's. It is labeled as Complete with a single chapter of 1131 words.
The story is in
and General

Comment posted by Major League Pony deleted Mar 21st, 2014
Comment posted by Buckshot Gauges deleted Mar 30th, 2014
Comment posted by Major League Pony deleted Mar 21st, 2014
Comment posted by Buckshot Gauges deleted Apr 4th, 2014
Comment posted by Buckshot Gauges deleted Oct 27th, 2013

331712 Maybe, or sort by length instead of tag. More folders make it easier to find a story in your group.

Question: This group has only one folder. Does anypony think that I should put in more folders to specify types of stories such as action, sex, drama, etc?

I've just added 3 one shot stories. I think these illustrate "how to get a reader to care about an OC, in under 1000 words" nicely.

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