• Member Since 17th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen July 10th



Halloween Misadventures II · 7:42pm Nov 1st, 2015

Last Halloween, I posted about how I got my truck stuck in the mud and lost in Atascosa county, Texas on my way to my first ranch party without knowing what a ranch party was, and ended up spending what definitely went down as the worst Halloween of my life in a tree in 55 degree cold with just a hoodie listening to my 1989 album on my phone for about 3 hours until someone was able to sober up enough a drive me home.

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Thank so much for the good words, and I hope I do so as well.

Dude, your story just got featured! I knew you could do it one day, and I hope that you continue to excell at writing.

A Faithful Follower,

Oh, wow! And now, thanks for the Watch! I greatly appreciate it, and I hope I can keep deserving it!:twilightsmile:

Hello again! Thanks for the Fave of Variables! I greatly appreciate it! I'm glad that you are still finding stories of mine to enjoy!:twilightsmile:

I've already Faved it a few months ago. Though I've only gotten a few chapters in. I love it so far

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