• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


Buy me a Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/friendsforever Profile pic: by star warrior

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Blog Posts

  • 85 weeks
    Reason for Not Updating

    Hello everypony,

    Sorry for not keeping up with the current stories, I've been trying to do my schoolwork and finals are coming up next week. Hope you would understand.


    0 comments · 83 views
  • 100 weeks
    The Commissions I Asked For Before Writing Earth and Space

    So before I wrote this story, I would like to thank TheHuskyLord for commissioning for me the OCs. Here are the OCs:

    TheHuskyLord's DA: https://www.deviantart.com/thehuskylord
    Derpi: PM me
    Twitter: Also PM me

    1 comments · 226 views
  • 109 weeks

    Hello Everypony,

    For the first time, I am open to requests. Here are my terms:

    Must be:
    Slice of Life

    I am open to other types of genres, but I can refuse at any time. I could only do 2 requests per week and they could only be one-shots. If interested, please give me a dm me on this site.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    1 comments · 168 views
  • 124 weeks
    New Story

    Check out this story that I commissioned: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/512989/soaring-emotions

    0 comments · 146 views
  • 124 weeks
    Commissioned a story

    I commissioned a story from Applefai, it will come out soon.

    1 comments · 167 views

Reason for Not Updating · 7:05pm Dec 9th, 2022

Hello everypony,

Sorry for not keeping up with the current stories, I've been trying to do my schoolwork and finals are coming up next week. Hope you would understand.


Comments ( 50 )
  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50

Just being friendly. I'm Wrex. What's your

Thanks for the fave.

Thank you for adding my story to your folder!

  • Viewing 46 - 50 of 50
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