This group is for only SoarinDash lovers only now here are the rules.
1-Please put stories in the correct folders.
2-No mean comments.
Here are the meanings of the folders.
Fillies=Prengnanacy or children.
Romance=getting married or dating.
Soarin=Soarin's diary.
Rainbow=Rainbow's diary.
Life=get to now each other , date, get married and have children
Must... join... all... SoarinDash... groups...
well thats ok hay can you do pics like this[link]
ok and what side on the world do you live in im just asking
370819 haha I don't know
did it ever turn out right
370775 yea
have you ever done just a pencil and paper
370721 on iPad
how do you draw pictures then
370623 yae
what do you mean it depends is there some sort of way that you do art
370561 it depends
hay are you a good artiste?
well im curintly waiting for the next chapter and calm left it on such a cliff hanger nd unlike other people i like cliff hangers
370215 I m just starting to read what chapter are you on?
so have you read the latest chpter to Piercing the heavens i thought it was really good but im in suspense know calm did a good job on it
that was a good one
369770 my favorite at this time is Flying-Sky high by Calm wind
Piercing the heavens i think is his best story by far
369667 i been thinking of that storie oh and i follow him his very good
hay by any chances do you read the story Piercing the Heavens by Calm Wind