With Nightmare Moon about to return, Empress Celestia sends Space Marine Twilight Sparkle across the galaxy to find 5 more Space Marines to face Nightmare Moon once and for all.
Following the return of the Crystal Empire, Twilight begins some intensive research into the history of the Empire and its late king. What she finds changes everything she knows about herself.
During Equestria's annual royal summit, newly-met Shining Armor and Pharynx discover they have a fair bit in common, including a passion for homeland security, and an extremely dorky little brother/sister.
Under the light of the moon, King Thorax and Prince Pharynx come face to face with the changeling's grim past - a dark crown, and the beast that still wears it.
Rainbow Dash is about to head out for a midnight fly alone. But, one stallion asks if he could accompany her on this flight they both will remember together.
Sequel to "Daughter of Discord." After living with the Discord family, Mothball thinks he is ready to take the next step with Screwball. Their plans are put on hold when the changelings want Mothball for their king.
After Rainbow Dash was teased, mocked, and bullied by the Wonderbolts, she was soon accepted with open hooves once again. Even though all seems well, Soarin is still unsure about how to approach the situation.
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