• Member Since 19th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen July 6th


"A story is not a machine that does what you tell it. A story is a beast with a life of its own" - Alan Wake

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About me!

Hello! I'm SweetBanana! I'm a 23-year-old girl from the mountains of Nowhere, Pennsyltucky. I'm paler than a sheet and might be a vampire or some other cryptid, but you didn't hear anything ;).

I like to write, and I like to read. This should be pretty obvious given my presence on the site but I felt it needed stating. My interest in reading started young, I would get encyclopedias as a kid, and with my bad allergies, I would spend hours cooped up and reading. Now, I find creating stories to be as enjoyable as reading them. I have a certain fondness for horror and thriller stories, which I can attribute to me reading far more Steven King, Edgar Allan Poe, and Lovecraft among other authors. Fantasy and Science Fiction are interests as well, and I'll attribute my interest in them to me being a child at heart

If you'd like, feel free to leave a donation to my ko-fi

Here's my Twitter if you wanna see my dumbass thoughts

Comments ( 46 )
  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46

Please take care of yourself, Sweet. Reach out when you need help. There are many people who care about you and it's very important to take warning signs seriously.

Yikes. Remind me never to go there.

I'm unpopular with 4chan

I don't really understand why every comment here has mountains of downvotes.

I was thinking about your bio and realized I hadn't said that you are gorgeously valid and you deserve the world. Keep rockin yer world!

Edit: not to mention I'm startin to go thru that kind of stuffs which ain't fun at all so I figured validating others would help me out and kinda fix my stupid hormone crap issues.

  • Viewing 42 - 46 of 46
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